Fattorie Giacobazzi
Fattorie Giacobazzi is a family owned and managed company located in the Modena district in the Emilia Romagna region of northern Italy and is highly specialized in production of Balsamic vinegars and Italian typical condiments.
During the last 35 years Fattorie Giacobazzi has enlarged its assortment of vinegars and condiments that has traditionally accompanied the family for centuries. The first authorization received by the Giacobazzi farm dates back to the middle of the last century.
It was so interesting to go into the Giacobazzi offices and see the tasting sheets and cups just like an olive oil tasting. There is much in common here: care about classifying different categories of quality and an absolute rigour in the weeding-out of anything that is not perfect. After an initial introduction the company and their production practices we were soon invited to taste their delicious balsamics and it was quite extraordinary to smell and tast the difference between the good ones, the excellent ones and the ones that were like great wines in their complexity and depth.
We were taken around the spotless bottling plant where we saw state of the art machines doing spectacular jobs like washing, filling, labelling and boxing thousands of bottles in the blink of an eye.
In sharp contrast with this was our visit, almost a religious pilgrimage, to the huge barns where the balsamics ferment in their various different barrels made of woods each with its own aroma. From ultramodern almost clinical hygiene to the traditional, hallowed atmosphere of the place where those delicious scents and flavours develop over the years.
To crown the experience we were taken to an excellent local restaurant where almost every dish was like a demonstration of the magic that can be wrought by Giacobazzi's magnificent balsamics.