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Azienda Agricola Fisicaro Sebastiana (Frantoio Galioto)
Frantoio Galioto dedicated themselves to the production of fine, extra virgin olive oils by the amalgamation of tradition and latest technological innovations to create oils that are genuine and of excellent quality. They pay very special attention to every phase of production;
the harvest - careful selection of the olives, gently harvested by hand when the olives are not quite fully ripe (which leads to lower yield but a much higher quality of extra virgin olive oil). Transportation to the mill is facilitated very rapidly as to preserve the quality of the oil.
the milling - the crushing of the olives is completed within hours after the picking, which again insures the highest chemical-organoleptic characteristics of the oil.
storage - the extra virgin olive oils are stored in stainless steel silos under inert gases to prevent oxidation, which degrades the oil rapidly.
This insures the bottling stage will be accomplished with the highest quality of extra virgin olive oils that can be delivered to the consumer.